
Documentation for MovingBoundaryProblems1D.

This is a package for solving one-dimensional single phase moving boundary problems using the finite volume method. The problems that can be solved using this package take the form

\[\begin{align*} \begin{array}{rcll} \dfrac{\partial u(x, t)}{\partial t} & = & \dfrac{\partial}{\partial x}\left(D\left(u(x, t), x, t\right)\dfrac{\partial u(x, t)}{\partial x}\right) + R\left(u(x, t), x, t\right) & 0 < x < L(t),\, t>0, \\[9pt] \dfrac{\partial u(0, t)}{\partial x} & = & a_0\left(u(0, t), t\right) & x = 0,\,t>0, \\[9pt] \dfrac{\partial u(L(t), t)}{\partial x} & = & a_1\left(u(L(t), t), t\right) & x=L(t),\,t>0, \\[9pt] \dfrac{\mathrm dL}{\mathrm dt} & = & a_2\left(u(L(t), t), t\right) + b_2\left(u(L(t), t), t\right)\dfrac{\partial u(L(t), t)}{\partial x} & x = L(t),\,t>0, \\[9pt] u(x, 0) & = & u_0(x) & 0 \leq x \leq L(0), \\[9pt] L(0) & = & L_0. \end{array} \end{align*}\]

You can also use Dirichlet boundary conditions rather than Neumann boundary conditions for $u(0, t)$ and $u(L(t), t)$. We also provide methods for computing steady states of the above problem. Examples of how to use the package are given in the sidebar.

BoundaryConditions{L<:Union{<:Dirichlet, <:Neumann},R<:Union{<:Dirichlet, <:Neumann},M<:Robin}

The boundary conditions for the MBProblem.


  • lhs::L: The left-hand side boundary condition. Must be Dirichlet or Neumann.
  • rhs::R: The right-hand side boundary condition. Must be Dirichlet or Neumann.
  • moving_boundary::M: The moving boundary condition. Must be Robin.

See also Dirichlet, Neumann, and Robin for the types of boundary conditions you can construct.

Dirichlet{F,P} <: AbstractBoundaryCondition{F,P}

A Dirichlet boundary condition with fields f and p (default p = nothing), with f being a function of the form f(u, p) and p being the parameters for f.

A Dirichlet boundary condition takes the form

\[u(a, t) ↤ f(u(a, t), t, p),\]

where a is one of the endpoints.


Dirichlet(f::Function, p = nothing) -> Dirichlet(f, p)
Dirichlet(; f, p = nothing)         -> Dirichlet(f, p)
Dirichlet(v::Number)                -> Dirichlet((u, t, p) -> oftype(u, v), nothing)

Definition of the geometry for a moving boundary problem problem.


  • mesh_points::T: The mesh points. Must be sorted and satisfy mesh_points[begin] = 0 and mesh_points[end] = 1 (if they do not satisfy this, they are scaled first).
  • spacings::T: The spacings between the mesh points.
  • volumes::T: The volumes of the cells defined by the mesh points.


To construct the geometry, you can directly call the default constructor,

MBGeometry(mesh_points, spacings, volumes)

or you can call the convenience constructor,


which will compute the spacings and volumes for you.

See also MBProblem.


Definition of an MBProblem.


  • geometry::MBGeometry{T}: The geometry of the problem.
  • boundary_conditions::BoundaryConditions{L, R, M}: The boundary conditions.
  • diffusion_function::DF: The diffusion function, of the form (u, x, t, p) -> Number, where p = diffusion_parameters.
  • diffusion_parameters::DP: The parameters for the diffusion function.
  • reaction_function::RF: The reaction function, of the form (u, x, t, p) -> Number, where p = reaction_parameters.
  • reaction_parameters::RP: The parameters for the reaction function.
  • initial_condition::IC: The initial condition, with initial_condition[i] corresponding to the value at geometry.mesh_points[i] and t = initial_time.
  • initial_endpoint::IE: The initial endpoint. This is the value of the moving boundary at t = initial_time.
  • initial_time::FT: The initial time.
  • final_time::FT: The final time.

See also SteadyMBProblem.


You can use the default constructor, but we also provide the constructor

    diffusion_parameters = nothing,
    reaction_function = Returns(0.0),
    reaction_parameters = nothing,
    initial_time = 0.0,

which provides some default values. Moreover, instead of providing geometry and boundary_conditions, you can use

MBProblem(mesh_points, lhs, rhs, moving_boundary; kwargs...)

which will construct geometry = MBGeometry(mesh_points) and boundary_conditions = BoundaryConditions(lhs, rhs, moving_boundary). The kwargs... are as above, except without geometry and boundary_conditions of course.

To solve the MBProblem, just use solve as you would in DifferentialEquations.jl. For example,

sol = solve(prob, TRBDF2(linsolve=KLUFactorization()), saveat=0.1)

solves the problem using the TRBDF2() algorithm, with the associated linear systems solved with the sparse solver KLUFactorization(), and the solution will be saved every 0.1 units of time from initial_time up to, and including, final_time. The solution in this case will be such that sol.u[i] has the values of u in sol.u[i][begin:(end-1)], and the position of the moving boundary at sol.t[i] in sol.u[i][end]. See also scaled_mesh_points for the corresponding grid points.

Neumann{F,P} <: AbstractBoundaryCondition{F,P}

A Neumann boundary condition with fields f and p (default p = nothing), with f being a function of the form f(u, t, p) and p being the parameters for f.

A Neumann boundary condition takes the form

\[\dfrac{\partial u}{\partial x}(a, t) = f(u(a, t), t, p),\]

where a is one of the endpoints.


Neumann(f::Function, p = nothing) -> Neumann(f, p)
Neumann(; f, p = nothing)         -> Neumann(f, p)
Neumann(v::Number)                -> Neumann((u, t, p) -> oftype(u, v), nothing)
Robin{F,P} <: AbstractBoundaryCondition{F,P}

A Robin boundary condition with fields f and p (default p = nothing), with f being a function of the form f(u, t, p) that returns a Tuple (a₂, b₂) and p being the parameters for f.

A Robin boundary condition takes the form

\[dL/dt = a₂(u, t, p) + b₂(u, t, p)∂u/∂x,\]

where f(u, t, p) = (a₂(u, t, p), b₂(u, t, p)).


Robin(f::Function, p = nothing) -> Robin(f, p)
Robin(; f, p = nothing)         -> Robin(f, p)
Robin(a::Number, b::Number)     -> Robin((u, t, p) -> (oftype(u, a), oftype(u, b)))
Robin(a₂::Function, b₂::Function, p = nothing) -> Robin((u, t, p) -> (a₂(u, t, p), b₂(u, t, p)), p)

Defines a steady-state problem for a moving boundary problem. Only has a single field, prob::MBProblem.

You can solve this problem as you would a NonlinearProblem, e.g. with

solve(prob, alg)

where alg is e.g. DynamicSS(TRBDF2())) from SteadyStateDiffEq.jl.
